Wednesday, February 10, 2016

5 Ways to Simplify Your Life!! Remember... Less is More!!!!

"If your mind isn't clouded by unnecessary things...This is the best season of your life." 

Simplicity brings balance, freedom and happiness.  As we begin to live simply and experience the benefits of doing so, we begin to solely focus on the essentials of life.

Lately I have found myself often jittery, stressed out and hardly sleeping at night.  My mind is always going and going like the Energizer Bunny.  I know some of you may not think that an overly active mind is a bad thing; however, if its wasted energy and nothing is getting accomplished then something has to change.
I don't do New Year's Resolutions, but I have been telling myself that I need lifestyle changes.  After soooo many sleepless nights, I have come to the conclusion of "simplifying my life".  Everyone is different and all things aren't One Size Fits All!  However, these are steps I chose to make for myself and so far, I can honestly feel JOY and PEACE!
 1.  Do a Clutter Bust (De-clutter)

Remove ALL things from any space that doesn't make you happy.  We often become caught up in material things/worldly possessions.  I'm not saying that you shouldn't have any of these things but if it doesn't bring you joy, then get rid of it.  Through experience, where there is clutter, there is stress.
  •  Start with your closets.  Go through your clothes and shoes and remove the items you haven't worn and have been holding on to since the 6th grade.  Come on now, you can't fit that shirt!! 
  • If there are stuffed animals, trinkets, toy cars collecting dust, old picture frames...etc., put them in a bag to remove from your home.

  • Move to the next place such as your kitchen.  All those gadgets aren’t being used.

  • If you have the heart to do so, donate anything you no longer need or use.  I know GOODWILL is probably tired of seeing me... or maybe not :)
 2. Possess Gratitude
Once you begin to appreciate the things you have, material things will no longer impact your life.  You will begin noticing the changes in your mindset and become content with your day-to-day life.  Those things you once thought made you happy, no longer matters anymore.
 3. Evaluate Your Relationships
When you are around different people, you must evaluate how they make you feel.  Are they encouraging and uplifting you… or do they drain and literally suck the God-given energy out of your life?
While transitioning to simplifying your life, it is important that your friends and others in your network aren’t causing you stress.  You no longer have the space or time for those who are depleting.
4.  Evaluate Your Goals

Having too many goals at once causes you to lose focus on what you want to do.  By reducing your number of goals and focusing on one or two at a time, you improve your success rate.  List the things you want to accomplish in life and choose the top two that are MOST important.  Once you have accomplished those goals, focus on the next one or two from the list and so on.
5.  Help Others in Need

Now that you are in a different head space, you will find that helping others in need is soooo rewarding.  Not for recognition of any kind but the satisfaction of your inner self.  There will be others to come along and need you as you now find yourself available to lend a helping hand.  However, do not overwhelm yourself with tasks that are hugely asked of you.  If you find yourself not able to do it 100%, just let them know that you cannot do it all but will help as much as possible.  Help them get to the place you are now.  As I often say… PAY IT FORWARD!!!

~Live Unapologetically

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