So... about two days ago, someone asked me "How is that you can walk into a room with such a Strong and Confident presence?" With a blank stare, I stood there for a minute... I never really thought of myself in that manner. I do not believe I was quite sure of how to answer it, so I replied, "Is this a serious question?"... They were looking at me like, UHHH YEAH!! Lol!! So I smiled and stated, "I accept the fact that I am perfectly imperfect and I embrace the skin I am in."
Society can be very unnaccepting of individuality; however, you are who you are. No matter what, Embrace your Beauty.
After "Years" of comtemplation, I decided to go "Natural". O.M.Gee!!! I heard soooo many negative comments behind this transition. "Why does your hair look so nappy?"... "Why would you do such an ugly thing to yourself?"... Relaxed hair will Always be better than natural nappy hair... Oh and the funniest of all... "You look like Celie from The Color Purple". Yeah, I laughed at that!! Normally, I would reply in a merciless manner; however, I have grown and realized that the world is full of uncouth people. None of the comments bothered me, but I did ask myself, "How could anyone have the audacity to criticize me on MY choice of appearance?" I am doing this for me and Not anyone else... An AMAZING decision made on my part :-)
I must say that regardless of how many times I change my "Style", I am always pleased with the results... WHY?? Because I am Not defined by what I wear or how I change my hair... Neither should you. Show everyone that you are Strong, Beautiful and Confident in All that you do.
Having Long Black Hair does not make me better than a Curly Girl...
Having Long, Curly Red Hair does not make me better than a Coily Girl...
Having Black and Brown Spiral Hair does not make me better than a Fro Hawk Girl...
Having Short Blonde Hair does not make me better than a Natural Girl...
Through all that I endure, I whole-heartedly love myself. Different appearances but the same me... the same Brown Skin :-) I say Paint the town whatever color you want it to be. Your journey is your story and so is mine. I make Every stride a Confident stride and No one can take that away from me... Do Not allow others to take it away from you. With all that is said and done... This is who I am... PerFeCtLy ImPerFecT!!!