Many people have the tendency to believe that men and women can't be Best Friends/Real Friends. For some odd reason, it is believed that sex Always come into play with friends of the opposite sex. I have a Male Best Friend of 16 Years now whom I Love to death. We have always been close with a straight-up platonic relationship. Contrary to popular belief, it is possible!!
Every time I tell someone I have a male best friend, the first thing they ask me is "Have you two had sex??"... Then its "Is he gay??"...Really??? Is that all people think about these days? For the record, my best friend is a STRAIGHT MAN!! I recently had a conversation with a good friend of mine and he said that he has a female best friend, but he don't think he could actually be MY best friend. He feels that I am very attractive and he couldn't really get pass that. I just shook my head. Does a woman have to be not-so-attractive to be true friends with the opposite sex? How tragic...Lol!!!
There are some people from High School and family members as well who still ask my Best friend if we have slept together. First of all, GO GET YOUR LIFE!!! Why are you still dwelling on the relationship he and I have anyways? We are 31 years old so do the math of how long we've been out of school. Stop Childishly living in the Past, feeding off our present, and secretly wanting our future! Yes, I said it... (Boo Hoo, Cry Me a River)!! My life has surpassed Memphis, TN. I am a woman who does NOT open my legs to every guy I encounter. In my opinion, if you are a woman who feels that you can't have a friendship with a male because sex always takes place then you need help. I have a Master's Degree in Counseling, I'm always here to help you... Ha ha!!
Now, I am not blind nor have I been sheltered, so it is understood and possible that one may have a certain feeling towards the other, but is never shown or spoken. Do you all feel that male/female friendships are just cover-ups, hoping and praying for future love relationships?
Anyways, I felt the need to discuss this because its pathetic of how people still seem to question something that is so simple. I was also told by a guy that he could NEVER be with me because I have a male best friend and he knew I wouldn't remove myself from the friendship. Well, for any man who feels that way, its your loss... not mine :-) In my opinion, men and women CAN be Best Friends!! I'm just saying!!!
~Live Unapologetically